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Monday, November 28, 2011


Hey xx

For all the people that don't want to sacrifice taste but still keep skinny - this is a snack idea.

Here I chopped up half a cucumber and tossed it with around 1/2 a teaspoon of lemon olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. A boring cucumber tastes absolutely amazing with these three ingredients. Actually, it is just pure deliciousness.

Then I took a small 8 ounce container of blackberries, washed them and ate them! No sugar no nothing. Find fruit that is in season and you will enjoy eating. Nothing is worse than sour berries! They're in season now though, so enjoy them while you can.

Fruits and vegetables down, how about some protein. A lean cheese is great, like Baby Bells. I also like eating mozzarella, this one was whole milk I think so I recommend looking for a less fattening version, but this was all I had in my fridge! I couldn't resist...

This makes me super full and allows me to not kick myself for eating candy.

xoxo, gracieee

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